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School Admissions

The school caters for children in the Charmouth, Monkton Wyld, Wootton Fitzpaine, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Ryall and Morcombelake areas as well as from further afield from the ages of 3 – 11 years. There is invariably pressure for places at the school and so it is important for parents to apply for a reception place via Dorset Council before the deadline for applications.

The Dorset Council Admissions Policy applies - please see the link below for school admissions. Children can join the school in any year group when there is space. Families are encouraged to contact Dorset Council who manage the admissions for the school.

Dorset Council – Admissions Arrangements for Community and VC Schools 2023-24

Tel: 01305 221060

If you wish to lodge an appeal against admission, please use the following link:

The school manages admissions for the Nursery. We offer termly intakes for children to start the term after their third birthday. Criteria for admissions is outlined in the policy below. Please see the Nursery page or contact the school for further information.

Consultation on admissions arrangements for 2025-26

We are taking part in the annual consultation on admissions policies for 2025-26, which is run by Devon County Council. This consultation includes this school (even though it is in Dorset) and can be found here.  We are not planning to make any significant changes to the admissions policy for this school.


We welcome visits to help you get a real feel for the school and help you make the best decision for your child/ren. Whenever possible, Mr Jay Owens, headteacher, will meet with families and take them on a tour of the school; please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a visit.

Charmouth Primary School

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