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Performance Data

2023-2024 Year 6 SATs Data:

  • percentage of pupils who’ve achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths - 64%
  • percentage of pupils who’ve achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths - 0%
  • progress score for reading – N/A* (average)
  • Progress score for reading - N/A* (average)
  • progress score for maths - N/A* (average)
  • your pupils’ average score in the reading test - 105
  • your pupils’ average score in the maths test - 104


*Charmouth became part of The First Federation Trust on 01/09/2023 so are unable to publish progress scores for this year.

Key Stage 2 Results Summer 2022-2023

2022-2023 Reading Writing Maths Combined
% working at the expected standard or above 84% 48% 74% 39%
% working at the higher level 32% 13% 19% 6%

2021-22: SAT but KS2 assessments not published for primary schools

Charmouth Primary School Performance Data

Charmouth Primary School

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